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Old Posts 3 steps to help improve behavior
One of the most important things in helping to improve behavior is to create a loving relationship with your child. Showing your child that you are willing to take the time to listen, learn, play and teach will go a long way in building that loving relationship. Taking the time to put in the effort and play games together and laugh strengthens the loving bond.

Get ahead of the curve. Plan ahead and anticipate behavior issues before they become a problem. Be pro-active in giving instruction and guidance to help avoid behavior problems. Utilize games and interactive methods to create positive feedback for good behavior.

Reinforce good behavior. Get focused on your child's good behavior and build on it. Praise often. Children thrive on knowing that they are doing good and that they have your approval. Catch your child being good, and let him or her know it. You will be surprised how helpful that can be.

Remember, it sometimes takes small steps to make big progress! Stay with it. It is worth all the effort!
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Old Posts How to Control Your Anger
Sometimes we as parents feel angry because our children are not listening and responding the way we want. Here are some tips that may help in controlling your anger.

1. Try to adjust how you think about what your child is doing. We may begin to believe that our son/daughter is trying to push our buttons or make us angry on purpose. Think of your child as someone just trying to figure out the wide world. Adjust your expectations. And try not to react. You may find that this lowers your anger level.

2. Pay attention to yourself. If you see that you are getting ready to respond in a negative way or snap, know your own warning signs and intervene before you react. Take a moment to regroup. You will find that by paying attention to your own stress meter, you can avoid the angry blow up. Use deep breathing calming techniques for yourself, so that the message you are giving to your child is more balanced and controlled.

3. Reduce stressful moments by being clear in your directives. Use short, clear, and firm instructions. Avoid sarcasm and use praise whenever possible. By being clear and frim, without losing control, you help create a balanced and nurturing environment in which to raise your child.

Keeping calm is not easy, especially with the stress of children who may be demanding of your time and energy to the point of exhaustion. By trying to incorporate some of these techniques, parents can hopefully avoid responding with anger and can build on positive interaction with their children.
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Old Posts Improve Kids Behavior-What Parents Can Do
Here is a helpful article from ADD Magazine for getting better behavior from your kids which incorporates many of the methods used with the Ticket Store Game.

Spend unstructured time together
Schedule 15 minutes each day with your child, to do whatever he wants to. Playing together helps repair the parent-child bond and lays the groundwork for positive reinforcement n the future.
Praise good behavior immediately and often
Positive reinforcement is the best behavioral tool, and especially powerful when it comes from a parent. Look for opportunities throughout the day to praise your child. Keep praise immediate and enthusiastic, and specify the exact behavior you're commending.

Reinforce praise with tokens
This works especially well with young children. Tokens can be anything tangible and easily recorded -- stars on a chart, coins in a jar -- and should be awarded promptly for good behavior. Once a certain number of tokens are amassed, the child earns a predetermined reward, such as a video game, a sleepover at a friend's house, or a trip to the movies.

Don't ask, tell
Don't start your requests with "Would you mind?", or finish them with "O.K.?" Instead, make directives clear and succinct: "I notice your coat is on the floor. I'd like you to pick it up."

Insist that your child make eye contact with you when you speak to him or her
That way, you prevent your kid from ignoring you, while reinforcing what you're trying to communicate. "This can be done with humor," says child psychologist Douglas Riley. "I use the phrase, 'Give me your eyeballs.'"

Let your children know (politely) that they're not your equals
"I urge parents to make it clear that they own everything in their home," says Riley. "Kids are often outraged to discover this. But they need to know that you're in charge, and that access to all the nice things in life, like the phone, TV, and computer, has to be earned by showing positive behavior and a good attitude."

Set up and explain consequences for misbehavior ahead of time
These consequences should involve taking away privileges, such as access to the TV, playtime with friends, or another favorite activity. Particularly bad conduct, such as hitting or other physical violence should result in an extended time-out (30 minutes for children over 8, an hour for adolescents), in an isolated room, where the child is instructed to think about his or her behavior.
Stick to the consequences, no matter what.

"If your child hits a sibling five times and gets punished for it only three times, he knows he's got a 40 percent chance of getting away with that behavior," says psychiatrist Larry Silver, M.D. "A parent has to be 100 percent consistent in addressing bad behavior. Otherwise, the behavior may persist or even get worse."


You can purchase the Ticket Store Game at http://www.ticketstoregame.com/BuyNow.aspx
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Old Posts Which type of discipline is right for me?
We as parents are faced with some difficult choices when it comes to disciplining our children. There are those who follow an "old school" train of though that discipline should involve instilling fear in children by trying to correct bad behavior by physical punishment by way of spanking or worse. In some cases, that method creates a disciplined child, but a child whose discipline is based on fear of their parents.

There are others who would tend to continually ask their children to behave, but who use no tools to help them actually get good behavior. This is more of a "discipline without discipline" method and often results in the child really running the show, and doing what he or she wants to do, when they want to do it. The end result of that method is usually frustration on the part of the parents, and lack of discipline for the child.

Another method, which has been incorporated in to the Ticket Store Game, uses the concepts of children "earning" their way to good behavior and then using the powerful method of positive reinforcement to reinforce the good behavior. Set behavior goals for your child to achieve, reward the child for achieving the goal, and then reinforce the behavior. While each of us have to determine which method is best for our children and families, there are some real benefits to creating lasting behavioral traits from positive reinforcement. Whether you use the patented Ticket Store Game method or just the concepts that have been incorporated in the game, you may want to consider which type of discipline is right for you, and start to implement a consistent plan to achieve your goals! We like to get better behavior-one ticket at a time!

You can purchase the Ticket Store Game at: www.ticketstoregame.com/BuyNow.aspx
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